I would love to take the train from Canaan (or Sheffield) to Pittsfield--or Sheffield to Barrington or ANYWHERE!! And will just as soon as it's available.
This will be my last written attempt to communicate. I do not want to discuss the cleanup, or any aspect of it, except to inform you that I am somewhat familiar with the HRRC and railroad in Berkshire county. I want to discuss the future of the railroad.
I am on my way to DC (by train) and will return late Monday. Please let me know how to reach you. Best to send your phone number to my email address for (your) privacy protection: karen at barringtoninstitute dot org.
I'm medical director of the Tri-Town Medical Department of Lee, Lenox and Stockbridge and chair of the combined boards of health of those towns. I worked to put railroad in place last year when GE was going to use trucks for pcb waste disposal. I've spent a lot of time with legislators discussing the future of the railroad and its relevance to current and future river cleanup. I would love to talk with you about this, perhaps next week. My fingers get tired with all this typing.
I don't know much about the clean-up situation though I realize trains vs trucks were part of the debate. I don't think I can help at this point since that's far outside anything I have knowledge of, and my focus is passenger train service. I wish you well - I'm sure it's a struggle!
I would love to take the train from Canaan (or Sheffield) to Pittsfield--or Sheffield to Barrington or ANYWHERE!! And will just as soon as it's available.
This will be my last written attempt to communicate. I do not want to discuss the cleanup, or any aspect of it, except to inform you that I am somewhat familiar with the HRRC and railroad in Berkshire county. I want to discuss the future of the railroad.
I am on my way to DC (by train) and will return late Monday. Please let me know how to reach you. Best to send your phone number to my email address for (your) privacy protection: karen at barringtoninstitute dot org.
I'm medical director of the Tri-Town Medical Department of Lee, Lenox and Stockbridge and chair of the combined boards of health of those towns. I worked to put railroad in place last year when GE was going to use trucks for pcb waste disposal. I've spent a lot of time with legislators discussing the future of the railroad and its relevance to current and future river cleanup. I would love to talk with you about this, perhaps next week. My fingers get tired with all this typing.
I don't know much about the clean-up situation though I realize trains vs trucks were part of the debate. I don't think I can help at this point since that's far outside anything I have knowledge of, and my focus is passenger train service. I wish you well - I'm sure it's a struggle!
I'd like to discuss trains along the Housatonic River.
Reached out to you before but no response.
Charlie Kenny
You're welcome to comment or ask a question here, and to join meetings when we schedule them.
I would love this. I wish the old trolly line was viable. I like my car, but I'd rather leave it at home if I could.